We recently surveyed manufacturing purchasing leaders on their priorities for 2024. Over 50 shared their thoughts, and we conducted follow-up interviews with many to understand their concerns – and plans – for the coming year. This article focuses on the top 3 issues cited as a high priority by those surveyed.
Cited as a high priority by 53% of those surveyed, this issue was also a top priority when we last surveyed purchasing leaders eight years ago (46% identified it as a priority in 2015). Some of the comments we hear on this issue:
Cited as a high priority by 51% of those surveyed. Purchasing leaders we talked to are hopeful that AI tools can be used to relieve their team of some of the administrative work that is holding them back from focusing on strategic purchasing activities, but most have not started exploring what is available.
Cited as a high priority by 49% of those surveyed. Some of the comments we heard on this issue:
APD surveyed more than 50 manufacturing purchasing leaders to find out their top priorities for 2024. Then we conducted in-depth interviews to understand their top concerns – and their plans for 2024.
In their upcoming webinar, Top 10 Purchasing Pains for 2024 APD will highlight the top ten issues purchasing leaders are struggling with and share the approaches they are taking to make purchasing a competitive advantage for their companies. Register Here!
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