A Des Plaines, IL non-profit firm providing health and welfare insurance to over 20 U.S. states had seen a steady decline in sales, morale, and employment over a number of years.
The COO selected a MetaExpertTM from MetaOps, Inc. to assist them in establishing a program to improve customer satisfaction and unify the workforce to improve company-wide performance in three key areas – process quality, customer satisfaction, and increased sales. The MetaExpertTM led them to improving the volume of sales by 11% in the first year and a profit improvement of approximately $7.5 million annually thereafter.
The transformation resulted in:
Client Skills Required: OpEx organizational transformation and Business Process Re-engineering, SOP (standard operating procedures) improvement, continued process improvement, leadership and training in the practice of High-Performing Teams
Contract Length: 8 months
Support by MetaOps, Inc. MetaExpertsTM: OpEx, Policy Deployment, Strategy Development, mentoring, coaching and implementation, and High-Performing Teams development, Kaizen, Lean Six Sigma
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