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3 Must-Master Skills for Supplier Performance Management

Ron Crabtree featuring Gregory S. Cable
Explore the intricacies of supplier performance development and management with Ron Crabtree and Greg Cable on MetaPod. Dive into effective communication strategies, the importance of feedback mechanisms, and the role of solid relationships in supplier performance.

3 Must-Master Skills for Your Sourcing Team

Ron Crabtree Mike Wynn
Explore the nuances of Category Management and Cost Engineering with Ron Crabtree and Mike Wynn on Meta Pod. Dive into strategic sourcing, effective cost management, and the significance of scenario planning.

Supply Chain 2030 – How Reshoring Will Impact Your Supply Chain

Ron Crabtree Bruce Imel
Explore the future of supply chains and the reshoring trend with Ron Crabtree and Bruce Imel on MetaPod. Dive into the strategic benefits of localized supply chains, the operational risks of lengthy overseas supply, and the financial impact of supply chain decisions on business continuity.

Supply Chain 2030 – Addressing 'The Forever Labor Shortage'

Ron Crabtree Jim Bitterle
Explore the challenges of the forever labor shortage and strategic workforce stability with Ron Crabtree and Jim Bitterle on MetaPod. Dive into effective strategies to address labor shortages, the importance of talent retention, and innovative approaches to workforce management.

Supply Chain 2030 -- Navigating AI and Digitization Threats & Opportunities

Ron Crabtree Sanjay Khunger
Explore digital transformation and supply chain optimization with Ron Crabtree and Sanjay Khunger on MetaPod. Dive into practical advice on AI integration, the impact of digital transformation, and managing data inconsistencies.

Supply Chain 2030 – Environment, Social, Government Impact

Simone Ross Ron Crabtree
Every supply chain leader is juggling environmental, social, and governance issues every day. On this episode of MetaPod, Ron Crabtree and guest Simone Ross dive into the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR), the role of audits and certifications in maintaining supply chain integrity, and the critical need for comprehensive data collection and communication strategies.

Leveraging Interim Talent in Finance Operations

Ron Crabtree John Dennison
Join Ron Crabtree and guest John Dennison as they discuss leveraging interim talent in finance operations. They explore diagnostics, practical […]

Leveraging Interim Talent in Operational Leadership

Ron Crabtree Stephen Cherlet
Ready to leverage interim talent in operational leadership? Tune into an in-depth conversation with Stephen Cherlet to gain insights into integrating interim leaders.

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