
Summary of Qualifications

Mr. Lamb possesses thirty years of comprehensive experience in business development, startups, turnarounds, operations and executive consulting for multi-site global organizations, including detailed analysis, conceptual problem solving, and training high performance cross functional teams optimizing key performance metrics driving revenue streams. ➢ Perform detailed business analysis for acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures and divestitures for complex and sophisticated operating processes streamlining; utilizing scientific management principles of TQM, ISO9001 and Lean Six Sigma methodologies. ➢ International experience developing new products and markets, contract negotiations, financial analysis, development of supply chain and logistic value streams for Greenfield & repurposing Brownfield sites. ➢ Highly skilled in total project management, including plant design, facilities specifications, new construction, commissioning and operations in highly regulated industries: Automotive, Aerospace, Capital Goods, Building Products, Energy, and Consumer Packaged Goods. ➢ Develop long and short-term strategic business operating and capital expenditures positioning organizations as low-cost, high-quality producers within competitive global markets.

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