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Non-Profit Health & Welfare Firm Increases Customer Satisfaction by 28% and Increases Requests for Bid by 45%


A Des Plaines, IL non-profit health and welfare fund was experiencing declining orders and a shrinking customer base in the face of competition. In this competitive environment, the organization needed to develop an aggressive marketing and sales program in order to reach their goal of providing their services to an additional 10,000 members by the end the of fiscal year. The MetaExpertTM joined the organization for an eight-month period to lead teams in transforming their administrative practices with “Lean Office” best practices and launching a comprehensive “Marketing Kaizen” team that created a plan that restructured marketing and sales. This resulted in a 28% increase in customer satisfaction and a 45% increase in requests for quotes which led to exceeding their growth goals.


The MetaExpert™ assisted the executives and managers in restructuring their business practices internally to both reduce waste and leverage advanced sales and marketing methods to increase their customer base. When the transformation was completed, the MetaExpertsTM–led marketing teams:

  • Identified the important and relevant issues of each of their target markets.
  • Identified hot buttons; those key motivators of target customers.
  • Learned how to get inside their prospect/customer’s head so they could effectively write or speak to them.
  • Conducted competitive intelligence surveys.
  • Composed and implemented three customer surveys.
  • Created a ‘fishbone diagram’ of the current communication map for their three target markets with corrective actions for each.
  • Identified and improved internal communication processes that created negative first impressions.
  • Uncovered and acted on 79 innovations to improve customer service and/or separate them from the competition.
  • Innovated ideas such as an interactive wellness program to separate the company from their competition.


This company:

  • Received 26% and 28% returns on their satisfaction surveys.
  • Included one question that resulted in 65 new requests for quotes – a 125% increase over the prior year.
  • Closed 45% of the total quotes prepared for the entire previous year – a 50% improvement in close rates.
  • Commissioned ongoing communications so their “outside perception was aligned with their inside reality.”

Return on Investment

  • 26% and 28% return on satisfaction surveys.
  • Received 65 new requests for quotes.
  • Achieved 45% increase in total request for quotes.
  • Increased sales the first year by 6,000 members and 5,000 members in year two, blowing the doors off historical growth.
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Project Details

Client Skills Required: Lean Office training and deployment, SOP (standard operating procedures) improvement, continued process improvement, leadership and training in the practice of High-Performing Teams, Kaizen sales and marketing teams, and plan implementation

Contract Length: 8 months

Support by MetaOps, Inc. MetaExperts: Lean Office and Marketing Kaizen and sales training, mentoring, coaching and implementation, and High-Performing Teams development

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